
Gas generator set

Time:2024-04-01 14:00:41Page View:6

Product features: 1 High operational reliability, good power generation quality, light weight, and small volume. 2. Easy maintenance and low low-frequency noise. 3. The combustible gas used is a clean and inexpensive energy source....

1. Setting range of no-load voltage: 95%~105%

2. Steady state voltage adjustment rate: ≤ ± 1%

3. Transient voltage adjustment rate: ≤ -15%~+20%

4. Voltage recovery time: ≤ 3s

5. Voltage fluctuation rate: ≤ ± 0.5%

6. Steady state frequency adjustment rate: ≤ 5%

7. Transient frequency adjustment rate: ≤ ± 10%

8. Frequency stability time: ≤ 5s

9. Sinusoidal distortion rate of line voltage waveform: ≤ 2.5%

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  • Lianhuachi Village, Fangcheng Street Office, Fangzi District, Weifang City, Shandong Province
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